I’m usually fairly resistant to memes, but this one is just too much fun to ignore.

Creating your own Debut YA cover is easy! Simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Fake Name Generator. The name that appears is your author name.
  2. Go to the Random Word Generator. The “Random Verb” is your title.
  3. Go to Flickr Creative Commons. Type your title into the search box. The first photo that contains a person¹ is your cover.
  4. Use Photoshop, Picnik, or similar to put it all together, crop, zoom in, etc.
  5. Post your cover(s) to your site with instructions to further the addictive book cover insanity, and link to it in a comments on the original post or the gallery if you want it to be included in said gallery

My covers:

¹Like many people, I originally skimmed the instructions and therefore used the first image rather than the first image with a person. Oops.